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Mother and Baby

Empowering Families Through Breastfeeding Support

August is National Breastfeeding Month

We are celebrating National Breastfeeding Month by honoring mothers and their babies. Families are welcome to come into the café on Thursdays during the month of August to have a shirt made, enter our "New Moms" basket giveaway, and learn more about our Milk Depot. 

Our Mission

​To improve community health and reduce disparities  by establishing  free programs offering professional-level breastfeeding support and peer social connection.

Pregnant? Just Gave Birth? Pumping?

Know your rights at work and school!

A Better Balance's free resources can help you understand your rights under important national laws, including the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act & Title IX. 

Cheerful Pregnant Woman
Feeding the Baby

Donate Milk

Support newborns in need by donating excess breast milk to Baby Cafe, which is currently collecting donations for the New York Milk Bank.

Breastfeeding, Lactation, Families, Infants, Support, Nursing, Nurse, Jamestown, Blackwell

Supporting Health and Wellness for Mothers and Babies

At Blackwell Baby Cafe, we are dedicated to improving community health and reducing disparities by establishing free programs offering professional-level breastfeeding support and peer social connection. We strive to provide a safe and inclusive space for mothers to receive the guidance and support they need on their breastfeeding journey.

Join us in making a difference in the community. Share your passion and expertise to support our cause. Together, we can make a positive impact on the health and well-being of families. Get in touch with us today to learn how you can contribute to our mission.


Show your support

Donate  to show your support for Baby Cafe!

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